Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Quit Compromising and Keep Christ!
The Majority In Our Nation Realizes Our Need To Keep Christ In Christmas!
- As shared by Rev. Don Schink, (c) 2004
It's CHRISTMAS time! Yes, you politically-corrected dear hearts! Whether you like it or not, Christmas is still a very important celebration! Yes, you more conservative citizens who are alarmed at what a minority has been able to accomplish, while acting against the desires, the wishes and the good faith of most Americans. It's Christmas! It's the grand and glorious celebration of the Savior of all mankind!
America Online recently conducted a pole with three questions:
Question #1: "Are you OK with Christmas-themed retail displays?
Answer: 96% said YES and 4 % said NO.
Question #2: Are you OK with Christmas music in public school?
Answer: 95% said YES and 5% said NO
Question #3: Are you OK with Christmas displays in a local display?
Answer: 97% said YES and 3% said NO
These percentages held true throughout the survey. In fact, when 359,488 AOL members cast their votes, the percentage was the same as when the count was only up to 201,164 members. In other words, the results of this pole remained true throughout the entire process.
I recently had a conversaton with a lady who went to her child's Christmas program where the public school leadership had carefully carved out any and all mention of Christ, of Christmas, or anything else that would commenorate the true meaning of the holiday. In fact, instead of singing, "We wish you a merry Christmas," the words were changed to say, "We wish you a happy holiday." She was upset. Our nation's kids are being improperly influenced to society without Christan values. She noticed that other religions' influence were allowed, but not Christianity. This is dead wrong. The results upon this nation will be devestatingly negative if this is allowed to continue the way it is.
Consider this, people! Of you consider all of the cults, atheist groups and other such ones, it shows that the majority unanimously and without question value Christ in society. They value our Savior's birth as Savior of mankind. So why do we allow such a small minority to influence and to make decisions to remove Christ and the positive influences of Christianity from our society?
Come on, people! A minority should never be allowed to over-ride the majority, especially with something as important as Christianity's influence in our society, from the school to the marketplace to the courts and other branches of our fine government, or anywhere else! Come on people! It's time to take our na
Wake up people! Our founding fathers reconized the importance that God as the Supreme Authority was to have in positive influences upon our nation. They recognized how important that solid Christian morals, principles, ideals, and decent morality are to any nation. They also recognized that the lack of these would also result in the sad and serious decline of ours, or any other nation, emphasizing the seriousness of the impact of including God as the ultimate leader and as the ultimate authority of our nation.
Take action people! Keep after your public officials! Let them know that you will not tolerate such a tiny majority in taking away the freedoms that our founding fathers realized as being so vitally importabt! Tell them that the opinions of the 95% to 97% of our population that continues to respond that the Christian influence are the ones who truly must be honored!
Consider this, people! The interesting point of this survey is that it was conducted by a fairly liberal organization that would normally be expected to have had far different results. In fact, other surveys are quite often influenced by the more liberal to moderate crowd. I have often cringed at poll results that measure what has appeared to be a spritually and morally declining population. Yet, even where there was undoubtedly quite a few folks who are probably not on fire in their faith for the Lord, yet the majority have soundly answered that Christianity is the influence that they want in our nation, in our schools, in public places, and therefore undoubtedly, in our homes.
Speak up, people! This is the United States of America! This is not the U.S.S.R. This is not China. This is not an Islamic middle east nation. This is the United Sates of America! This is a nation that we can be proud to be a part of! This is the nation that was founded upon sound Christian principles and God's Word, the Bible. Guess what? Although the majority of our founding fathers were professing Christians, not all of them were. But they came to the decision as a group, Christians and non-professing leaders alike, that the Christian influence and the godly principles of the Word of God are what is needed for our nation. This fact was good enough for the first few hundred years. This is just as crucial, even more so, in our day, to prevent the continuous moral decline of our nation.
Enjoy the spirit of true Christmas! Yes, dear hearts, "Jesus is still the reason for the season!" He is still the same as He always has been, for our world, for our nation and for victorious living in the individual hearts and lives of whoever chooses to allow Him to rule and to reign!
To the more liberal non-believing reader, you don't have to choose this. No one will drag you or anyone else screaming and kicking against your will into the kingdom of heaven. Hey! Listen! It's just like this: If you don't want to go, you don't have to! Of course if you refer what the Bible describes as a place of absolute agony, where screaming and gnashing of teeth is the norm, then you're free to go there. That's your choice. But leave me and mine and the majority of the residents of our nation to enjoy our choice! You really are the minority, if that's where you stand! We are all free moral agents, free to chose our direction and eternal destinies. You choose yours. We'll chose ours!
I stand with Joshua of old, where we read in Joshua 24:15, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!" There's not a doubt in my heart and mind. I have made that decision. I will live and die by it. It is Christ for our nation and our nation for Christ! Not all chose this. That's clear. But for those who do, we need to stand up and clearly proclaim what is clearly the choice of the majority of our nation!
As you pray today:
1. In your heart, where do you stand in this issue?
2. How can you impact your own circle of influence?
3. What can you do to make sure that you are where the Lord would have you to be, personally?