Thursday, March 24, 2005
The Fight for Terri's Right to Live
Sonlight Ministries of Tijeras, New Mexico
- March 23, 2005
Terri Schiavo's name is now a household name in every house in America. Yet it never should have been. She is a very tragic victim of circumstances that are out of her control. Her parents, Bob and Mary Schindler, made several bold and brave last-ditch efforts to save the life of their precious daughter.
It seems that her husband, Michael Schiavo, the one who swore allegiance "Til death do us part," appears to have wanted to hasten her departure from this earth. We even may understand the human side of a man being lonely and wanting companionship, as husband Michael did, in finding a new housemate and even fathering children with his girlfriend. But a large and growing number of us around the country wonder why such a person didn't just divorce her if he wanted another woman that bad. We wonder why he didn't just turn her guardianship over to her parents and other family who loves her so deeply and who have been more than willing to take on whatever was involved with her situation.
Michael has stated that Terri once expressed that she would not want to live in a state such as she is today. However, it took him seven years to even recall her having made such a statement. Also, there is no living will, just this statement that seems to have been suddenly remembered at such a convenient time. And it is this unverifiable statement that seems to be holding so much weight with those who are refusing this precious young woman her chance to live and to resume treatments that could possibly enable her to have at least a fighting chance to be rehabilitated. The question comes up again and again as to why does Michael fight so hard to see her dead? What motives drive this man to such extremes to where her parents are forbid and blocked from giving her the loving assistance that they so willingly desire to do?
While there are those who would criticize our president and others who stepped in to try to save Terri's life, it was quite appropriate to do so. After all, as the original intents of our founding fathers of this country are studied, it is clear that they were concerned for the preservation of life, liberty and happiness, to mention just a few things. In short, although not all of our founding fathers were professing Christians, the majority was. And those who formulated our government did so with strong moral and ethical convictions. So when our leaders speak out for such a cause as saving this young woman's life, they are acting in accordance with the heartbeat of our founding fathers. So, I'm proud of President Bush, Governor Bush in Florida, as well as others whom I observed speaking out in defense of a girl who is currently unable to defend herself.
I can't help but wonder what our courts are coming to when so many judges are so quick to make such a heartless decision to eliminate Terri Schiavo's life while letting hardened criminals live who are known rapists and murderers, for example. This is a death sentence of an innocent young woman who is not a criminal, but who is merely a victim.
Also, the nurses who have spoken out are to be commended. They did so at possible great cost and loss of their careers. But they did so because they want the world to know that Terri is not a total vegetable. She has responded in several ways, even spoken a work or so from time to time. She has responded to her parents. It was when her husband and his legal beavers stepped in and stopped her rehabilitation that her progress was stifled. As far as those doctors who testified as to her condition, it would not be all that difficult to get individuals in their position to do so for any number of questionable reasons. Perhaps even the notoriety and its possible enhancement of their careers might be enough incentive. Whatever their motives, even those less qualified than they know and testify that this is not a true representation of Terri Schiavo's condition.
I can't claim to second-guess Terri's husband, Michael, and his motives. But it seems that many are expressing strong and increasingly strong suspicion as to why he is so adamant to see the girl that he once professed love for a lifetime with in marital vows die a horrible death of starvation. Starvation is known as a horrible way to die.
The value of life is in the forefront of this life and death issue as well. We might justifiably wonder what direction that our nation is heading in when we consider this issue. In observing how this case has been handled, it seems that the courts have taken on responsibility to choose life and death issues. Is this what we want them to do? Is this what they are appointed to their positions for? When the majority of those who handed down their judgments did so in favor of death over life, of the finality of a death sentence rather than giving the benefit of doubt in favor of life and of redeeming an innocent life, what are we to think? As such, it appears that we need to take a hard look at our judicial system and reign back some of the authority that some of these officials are assuming to have.
In closing, let me assure Terri Schiavo's family and friends that there are a vast majority of fellow-Americans, as well as people around the globe, that are deeply concerned about such issues. As such, we are praying for all involved, especially for Terri as she lays there starving to death, as a result of heartless individuals who have determined that she should be forced to die in such a horrible manner. May we all stand strong for those issues that this country was founded up, most with deep-seated spiritual roots, founded in the principles of Christianity. When we surrender our values and our convictions to those with different motives, it will be a sad and tragic day for our nation. Remember the sad lessons of past history and the resolve that those who have gone before us displayed to correct wrongs so that our nation can stand strong and proud steeped in those great traditions that have made our country one that we all can be proud of.
Thursday, March 17, 2005
The Incomparable Christ
He came from the throne of the Father to the womb of a woman. He put on humanity that we might put on divinity. He became Son of Man that we might become sons of God. He was born in a supernatural way, lived in poverty and was reared in obscurity. He had neither wealth nor influence, yet the wisdom of men has never matched His wisdom. Never has a man spoken like this man. His family was inconspicuous and uninfluential. In infancy He startled a king. As a boy, He stunned theologians with His knowledge and wisdom for He was taught of God. In manhood, He ruled the elements and quieted the raging sea. He healed the multitudes without medicine. And fed thousands from a boy’s lunch. Even demons obeyed Him and He gave back life to those who died. He never wrote a book, yet none of the libraries of the world can contain the books that have been written about Him. He never wrote a song, yet He has furnished the theme of more songs than all song writers combined. He never founded a college, yet all the colleges together cannot boast of as many students as He has. He never marshaled an army, yet no leader has ever had more volunteers. Great men have come and gone yet He lives all. Herod could not kill Him. Satan could not tempt Him to sin. Death could not destroy Him. The grave could not hold Him. He laid aside His purple robe for a peasant’s gown. He was rich yet for our sakes He became poor. He slept in another’s manger. He rode on another’s donkey. He was buried in another’s grave. He conquered death and rose on the third day as He said He would. He ascended into heaven and is now at the right hand of the throne of God. One day He will return with power and great glory to judge the world when every knee shall bow to Him and every tongue shall confess Him as Lord. His friends gladly. But enemies seeking for a place to hide from His face. He is the perfect one. The only one who can satisfy the soul. He gives everlasting life to those who love Him. He is altogether lovely. But best of all, He is my Savior.